The NTC is strongly committed to combatting all forms of gender discrimination in our work environment. For that reason, in addition of being an active part of the UPV’s II Equality Plan, we have decided to have our own roadmap and, for instance, we have flexible working-hours to harmonise work and personal life.
We are aware that these actions, important as they are, are however not in themselves enough to bring the change that is required to remove the current inequalities, as the number of women in science studies, university teaching and research is still low.
We are yet far from equality, but we have reached 54% of women in post-doc positions and one of our most successful research lines has achieved 74% of women. And, what is more important, women researchers are always encouraged to propose ideas and opinions, participate in all our research teams and are always included in all our research projects and proposals, in lead positions when likely.
From our modest position, we are determined to be agents of change and, for this purpose, we have decided to create internally a Gender Equality Committee. The objective of this Committee is to raise a permanent dialogue on gender and science that will allow us both, to introduce a gender perspective in all our activities and to identify challenges, weaknesses, new approaches, etc. that may show us the way to improve.
This Committee will be composed by representatives of all categories (professors, students, post-doc, administration, etc.) and will be leaded and assisted by personnel with gender equality training. The Committee will inform periodically about its activities, conclusions, etc.
Equal Opportunities Committe
We have decided to create the Equal Opportunities Committee with the primary purpose of establishing an internal dialogue on the changes that can lead us to improve the climate of respect and gender equality.
Thus, in principle the EOC objectives will be:

Establishing gender equality, equal opportunities, and non-discrimination as guiding transversal principles of all the activities of the NTC.

Working to eradicate all forms of harassment in the workplace, including gender stereotypes and others.

Establishing a powerful, fluent, and transversal dialogue that allows us to find opportunities to improve gender equality in the NTC.
The members of the EOC are key agents in the implementation of policies on equal opportunities and managing diversity. The members are appointed based on the following criteria:
Members of all staff are represented (management, HHRR, researchers, students).
Members of all career stages are represented (professors, postdocs, students).
They have appropriate decision-making skills.
They are committed to the improvement of gender equality and diversity in the NTC
NTC WiS Talent Programme
Best Published Paper – Female PhD Student Award.
Best Published Paper – Female Postdoc Award.
NTC WiS Award.
Links to WiS relevant resources
RRI Tools: Responsible Research and Innovation Tools on Gender Equality:
GENDER-NET ERA-NET : European Project on Women in Science:
European Commission – Gendered Innovations 2:
GenderSTE: European COST action on Gender Vision in Research:
Blog Mujeres Con Ciencia:
NATURE Special Issue of Women in Science:
L’Oreal UNESCO For Women in Science Program:
Gender Summits: