Since its foundation, the NTC Institute has aimed to forge solid ties with the socioeconomic environment on a local, national, and worldwide scale. One of the strategic comerstones of this center is its dedication to innovation through knowledge and technology transfer to industry, which has been evident from the first in both the center’s intense contractual research activities and its collaboration with both domestic and foreign businesses. As one of the UPV research institutions with the highest number of European projects (more than 40), this implied leadership engagement. The UPV is a leading university at the national level in this area, carried out by consortia with a strong industrial element. The NTC Institute’s three spin-off businesses, which collectively employ more than 100 people and have strong graduate and PhD retention rates, are another feature that highlights its firm commitment to innovation and transfer. The NTC Institute has registered a total of 29 patents in relation to industrial property, the majority of which have been internationally protected. This makes it one of  the pioneers and most prolific organizations in the field of protecting research findings through inventive patents. Last but not least, the NTC Institute has finalized more than 50 technology transfer agreements, including those with top tech firms in their industry.