Scientific outreach is one of the activities carried out at the Center for Nanophotonic Technology, whose main objective is to make the knowledge generated in our center accessible to a wider audience, ranging from university students to primary and secondary education centers, and the general public.
In the case of Nanophotonics, a branch of science that studies the interaction of light with matter at the nanoscale, outreach takes on special importance due to its complexity. However, scientific outreach in Nanophotonics can contribute to raising awareness about the advances and challenges in this technology, which is of great relevance to society, as well as inspiring and training the next generations of researchers and technologists.
Furthermore, outreach can promote the exchange of ideas and collaboration among researchers from different disciplines and can even help society make informed decisions on issues involving nanotechnology and its implications. For all these reasons, our center carries out its own outreach activities and participates in UPV programs.
Some of the most noteworthy activities are detailed below:
Activities and workshops resulting from the work of faculty and students of the School of Telecommunications Engineering (ETSIT) at the Polytechnic University of Valencia, which aims to be an extension of the live activities and workshops and awaken the passion for engineering in high school students, particularly in the field of Information and Communication Technology.
In the 2023 edition, NTC researchers participated by organizing the workshop entitled «Light Workshop: the magic that surrounds» (Taller de Luz: la magia que nos rodea) in two sessions where students from Gran Asociación High School and Pere Boïl High School learned fundamental concepts of the interaction of light with matter and performed simple experiments where they could see how the light that surrounds us interacts with our environment in a natural way.
The sessions are part of the activities of the Erasmus+ Innosid project.
The Praktikum Campus is aimed at excellent students who are studying their first year of high school or higher degree vocational training. NTC researchers participated in the 2022 sessions by teaching workshops on fundamental concepts of optics and nanophotonics and their applications.
Peer Reviewed: Podcast where researchers from the Polytechnic University of Valencia talk about current scientific issues. This space has the collaboration of the Spanish Foundation for Science and Technology (FECYT) of the Ministry of Science and Innovation. NTC researchers have participated on several occasions in this podcast to talk about various topics related to technology, scientific outreach, or women’s participation in science:
An initiative organized by NTC’s research staff with the support of the School of Telecommunications Engineering (ETSIT) aimed at disseminating to the school’s students and faculty. The first event consisted of a talk by Jose Luis Crespo, a physicist, founder, and creative director of the scientific dissemination YouTube channel Quantum Fracture, which currently has over 3 million followers worldwide. The activity was a resounding success with more than 400 attendees and was one of the star activities of the 2022-23 academic year organized by the school.

After the event, a visit to our facilities was organized and we established a collaboration with the Quantum Fracture channel for dissemination activities of the NTC.
At the NTC, we periodically organize visits from high school and secondary school educational centers…
The research work carried out by the NTC has an impact on society and is reflected in the media, both in the press, radio and television.